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Your Sales Automation Playbook

Mastering Reporting in HubSpot

Your Ultimate Guide

In HubSpot, the ability to generate customized reports empowers businesses to gain valuable insights into their sales and marketing efforts. Whether you're tracking deals, contacts, or activities, HubSpot offers robust reporting capabilities to suit your needs. Let's delve into the key aspects of reporting in HubSpot



Understanding What to Report On

When creating reports in HubSpot, it's essential to start by asking yourself what insights you need. Consider the objects, properties, and activities relevant to your business processes. In HubSpot  you can report on:

  • Objects: Deals, contacts, companies, etc.
  • Properties: Custom attributes specific to your business.
  • Activities: Interactions such as emails, calls, meetings, etc.

Identifying the data that reflects your reporting needs is crucial for creating meaningful reports.

Customized Reporting and Dashboard Creation

Once you've identified the data you need, HubSpot enables you to create customized reports tailored to your requirements. You can choose from various report templates or leverage AI tools for report generation. After creating reports, you can build specific dashboards to visualize your data effectively.


Top Tips for Dashboard Customization:

  • Utilize text-based placeholders to add comments or external content such as videos.
  • Provide specific access permissions to ensure relevant stakeholders can access the dashboards.


Essential Sales Reports in HubSpot:

Among the myriad of reports available in HubSpot, several are particularly vital from a sales perspective. Let's explore some key sales reports:

Companies Revenue by First Conversion: Total company revenue broken down by the first conversion over a specified time range.

Companies Revenue by Source: Total company revenue categorized by the source of acquisition.

Deal Closed vs. Goal: Compares revenue from closed deals to your team's quota or custom goal, aiding in evaluating team progress and setting achievable sales targets.

Deal Forecast: Forecasts the amount of deal revenue for deals in each stage of your pipeline, providing visibility into future revenue streams.

Deal Leaderboard: Ranks sales team members based on the closed deal revenue they've generated, facilitating performance tracking.

Deal Revenue Leaderboard: Ranks deal owners by their total forecasted deal amounts, broken down by pipeline stage, essential for monitoring projected revenue.

Deal Revenue per Stage by Deal Type: Displays forecasted amounts for deals in each stage, categorized by deal type.

New Deals Created: Ranks deal owners by the number of new deals created, open deal forecasted amounts, and closed amounts within the selected timeframe.

Recent Deal Amount by Source: Shows the recent deal amount associated with each contact source, aiding in understanding the effectiveness of lead sources.

Closed Revenue by Source: Breaks down closed deal amounts by the original source of associated contacts, providing insights into the most lucrative lead sources.

Reporting in HubSpot is an invaluable tool for businesses seeking to optimize their sales and marketing strategies. By harnessing the power of customized reports and dashboards, organizations can make data-driven decisions, track performance effectively, and drive business growth. Understanding the nuances of reporting in HubSpot empowers businesses to unlock the full potential of their data and drive success in today's competitive landscape.